Hiking into 2021

America’s State Parks is celebrating the new year with its annual First Day Hikes program.
Everyone knows hiking is a great way for individuals and families to embrace the outdoors, connect with nature and get some exercise, and what better way to kick off a new year?
The Southeast is known for its incredible state parks, and they will be adapting their First Day Hikes protocols to keep people healthy and safe under the lingering pandemic. These adaptations will include hikes with smaller groups, virtual hikes, self-guided hikes and trail challenges.
Go to www.stateparks.org/special-programs/first-day-hikes and use the map to learn more about specific parks in the Southeast.
You can also check out each state’s information about its specific parks.
Alabama – www.alapark.com/first-day-hikes-2021
Arkansas – www.arkansasstateparks.com/first-day-hikes
Florida – www.floridastateparks.org/learn/first-day-hikes-are-best-way-start-2020
Georgia – www.exploregeorgia.org/things-to-do/list/21-fantastic-hikes-to-ring-in-the-new-year
Kentucky – https://parks.ky.gov/union/events/events/self-guided-first-day-hike
Louisiana – www.lastateparks.com/things-to-do/hiking
Mississippi – www.mdwfp.com/parks-destinations/calendar/first-day-hikes-2021
Missouri – https://mostateparks.com/FirstDayHikes
North Carolina – www.ncparks.gov/first-day-hikes
South Carolina – https://southcarolinaparks.com/programs-and-events?start=01/01/2021&end=01/01/2021&input=end&parkId=undefined
Tennessee – https://tnstateparks.com/about/special-events/first-day-hikes
Virginia – www.virginia.org/listings/Events/FirstDayHikesatVirginiaStateParks
West Virginia – https://wvstateparks.com/calendar
Please note this National Park Service advisory:
Following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and state and local public health authorities, park operations continue to adapt to changing conditions while maintaining public access, particularly outdoor spaces. Before visiting a park, please check the park website to determine its operating status. Updates about the overall NPS response to COVID-19, including safety information, are posted on www.nps.gov/coronavirus.